The Boosters of Boys/Girls Sports Organization (B.O.B.S.) welcome you and your child to Lodi area youth sports.  The B.O.B.S. are responsible for the volunteers, fund raising, uniforms, policies, and organization of team sports. Lodi is a community rich in sports traditions, which prides itself on the many values that are derived from participating in recreational and competitive sport programs.


The B.O.B.S. organization was established in 1960 by then Parks & Recreation Director, Ed DeBenedetti and Recreation Supervisor, Tom Atkins. From its beginning, the B.O.B.S. gathered local residents interested in promoting, volunteering, and raising funds to develop a system of sports activities under one umbrella.

A 24 member volunteer board of directors coordinates all B.O.B.S. programs. The B.O.B.S. has over 1000 volunteers that serve over 4000 area youth with an operating budget of around $300,000. The B.O.B.S. yearly general membership meeting is the second Wednesday in December at the Kofu Park, 1145 S. Ham Lane,  at 6:30p.  The public is always welcome.

Over the years, B.O.B.S. have contributed over $300,000 in capital improvements projects in Lodi. Those interested in promoting local sports activities for our youth are always welcome to attend. Please contact the B.O.B.S. President if you would like to be put on the agenda.